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Immigration and Local Economic Growth: An empirical evidence from South Korea

Date 202212
Publication No 2022-01
Author Dowon Kim
Co-author Jaewook Byeon
  • Type Research Report
  • Research Type


This study investigates a relationship between immigration and local economic growth in South Korea. Using a panel of South Korean localities, we find that immigration has positive impact on local economic growth only in capital areas and mining and manufacturing sectors. This results are associated with localities where firms and factories are densed. In immigrant-populated area, immigration does not have additional effect on mining and anufacturing sectors. This result implies that each municipality and industry do not optimize foreign human resources in South Korea. To improve contribution of immigrants to local economy, governments should focus on policies for efficient allocation of immigrant human capital. Also, immigrants’should be recognized as members in a local society of host country, and their economic activities should be guaranteed stable and sustainable.